North Star Frame
This design allows for a decorative edge, with clean wire attachments at the back of the piece. It can be scaled up or down for infinite uses.
3x 5” 20 gauge square wire
1x 9mm 20 gauge square wire with flush cut ends
1x 35” 24 gauge 1/2 round wire
6x 6” 30 gauge round wire, braided together
1x 12” 22 gauge 1/2 round wire
1x 4” 22 gauge 1/2 round wire
Flush cutters
Stepped bail-making pliers
Needle-nose pliers
Flat-nose pliers
Half-round pliers
Nylon-tipped pliers
(optional) Round mandrel
Small file
Watch the Complete Process
Detailed Steps
1) If applicable: braid the 30ga to 2.5-3”. This step is not shown in the video.
2) Mark the center of the 3 lengths of 20 gauge square wire. Also mark 9/16” to the left of the center mark.
Video timestamp: 3:15 - Mark frame wires
3) Pull the middle 20 gauge wire out to the right, so the 9/16” mark on that wire lines up with the center marks on the other two wires.
Video timestamp: 4:15 - Line up frame wires for wrapping
4) Use the 24 gauge 1/2 round, bent in third with the flat side of the wire toward the inside of the curve, with 12” to the left side of the bend and 23” to the right side. Start wrapping around the 20 gauge square wires, starting at the 9/16” mark left of center. Wrap 6 times around.
Video timestamp: 4:50 - Start the wrap
5) Place the braided 30 gauge element over the six wraps of 24 gauge 1/2 round.
Video timestamp: 5:35 - Place the braided element
a) Wrap Left: 2x over, 6x under, 2x over
b) Wrap Right: 2x over, 6x under, 2x over
Video timestamp: 6:40 - Wrap to the left and right
6) Bend the middle 20 gauge wire perpendicular to the inside of the frame. Insert the 9mm 20 gauge to replace it. Hot tip: use a bit of tape to make the tiny piece of wire easier to maneuver and hold in place.
a) Wrap 7x under, 2x over, 7x under
Video timestamp: 9:20 - Make the frame brace
7) Bend the frame in half, bringing the center wire back in.
Video timestamp: 12:20 - Make the bottom frame bend
8) Wrap 2x over, 6x under, and repeat 3 times, then another 2x over, making the right side of the frame match the left side.
Video timestamp: 14:55 - Finish wrapping the frame
9) Bend the side weaving element(s) out and clip them off as close to the frame as possible. Press the remaining tiny ends down and wrap the 24 gauge 1/2 round around one more time to cover them.
Video timestamp: 16:55 - Trim the braided element
10) Bend the bottom frame wire down, the middle right frame wire in and up, and the middle left frame wire should be clipped flush. Leave the two top frame wires straight for now.
Video timestamp: 19:00 - Position the three frame wire ends
11) Wrap the 24ga 1/2 round wire 3 times around just the top (straight) 20 gauge wires.
Video timestamp: 20:50 - Wrap 3x around single frame wire
12) Wrap the 12” 22 gauge 1/2 round around the up-facing 20 gauge square wire, to about 1.5”.
Video timestamp: 23:50 - Wrap the decorative top wire
13) Bend the top (straight) wires out 45 degrees and shape the frame, either around a round mandrel or into a diamond shape.
Video timestamp: 21:45 - Prep frame wires and shape the frame
14) Wrap the top 2 wires to 1 cm, including the second wrapping wire (24 gauge 1/2 round) end.
Video timestamp: 26:15 - Wrap bail wires together
15) Split the top two 20 gauge wires into a Y shape and wrap them separately to 8mm each, using the two 24 gauge 1/2 round wires. Once done, clip the 24 gauge 1/2 round wires and flatten the ends against the piece.
Video timestamp: 29:05 - Wrap the Y in the bail
16) Affix the bottom frame wires to the lower horizontal bar.
Video timestamp: 30:30 - Create the frame struts
17) Bend the bail wires and affix them to the middle of the frame struts.
Video timestamp: 37:55 - Finish the bail
18) Set whatever component you have prepared for the middle of the frame.
Video timestamp: 43:00 - Set the center element
19) Finish the decorative edge by flattening the wrapped 20 gauge square wire onto the frame’s inside edge.
Video timestamp: 44:55 - Start placing the decorative top wire
20) Bend the decorative wire accurately following the inside edge of the frame.
Video timestamp: 45:55 - Finish placing the decorative top wire
21) End the decorative wire by sticking it into the small hold at the top of the piece. The end should extend straight out the back, so it can be cut short and crimped once behind the bail.
Video timestamp: 47:40 - Secure the top of the decorative wire
22) Use the 4” of 22 gauge 1/2 round to secure the bottom point of the decorative wire.
Video timestamp: 52:15 - Secure the bottom of the decorative wire